Raving Customers (Homeschooling with Peter Watt: Episode 3)

“Dianna and I are just beginning lesson 7. After going over lessons three and four Dianna was so excited that she could read that she hugged my neck and told me she loved me. She said, ‘Oh mommy, my wish is coming true. You and Daddy are teaching me to read.’ What else can I say?”

One of my greatest life experiences was the time I spent working in the “International offices” of The Paradigm Company. We were in Peter Watt’s home. My young children were hired to prepare packages for shipping. My husband introduced computers to the enterprise.

The author of Peter’s books (Samuel Blumenfeld) would be interviewed on radio programs across the nation, discussing issues such as reading instruction, tutoring, the state of the American education system, and homeschooling. When these programs were aired, Peter sat next to his phone with a 2” by 4” pad. On each page he wrote the information about an order.

When the orders were filled, he put the pages into a shoe box. These names were later added to a growing mailing list. I had the privilege of entering these names into a primitive computer data base.

I marveled at the enthusiasm Peter and June showed when they received testimonials from parents. Many of these can be read on the Alpha-Phonics webpage.

Peter’s life-long journey will never be adequately described as one of a bookseller.

More appropriately, his is the story of simply waiting and watching as one family after another rejoiced in successes. It was evident that in Peter’s mind his greatest gain was not the number of books sold. It was the number of happy families he encountered throughout his years. He was in the business of teaching young minds to read.

“Eric is now reading Robinson Crusoe and is just loving it! He had been having headaches all through second grade and was losing weight. Since he started learning by your method he hasn’t been sick one day, and has gained weight rapidly to where he has a perfect physique.”

Yes, Peter Watt is a man on a mission. And it is an honor to join that journey once again.

by Meg (homeschooling mom of 9)

MS, Exceptional Student Education (Univ. of W. Florida) emphasis on Applied Behavior Analysis

MA, psychology (Grand Canyon University)

Bachelor of Arts (Northwest Nazarene University)



We hope our Followers will learn more about ALPHA-PHONICS if they are planning to teach their OWN Children to read.  Below you will find much information on how tens of thousands of Parents have successfully taught their OWN Kids to read, effortlessly, quickly for over 37 years:


About Meg (homeschooling mom of 9)

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