The Friday Update . . .

The rate at which we receive news items these days is astounding. Do you remember when there were “no news” days and a reporter had to really stretch to find something? Perhaps few of you do, but I seem to recall mention of them. We won’t see any of those soon I think!

Arne Duncan Explains Why “White Suburban Moms” don’t like Common Core

Photo courtesy Washington Post

While he was at it me might have explained why white urban moms, black suburban and urban moms, brown moms, and chartreuse moms don’t like Common Core either.  Many of them are beginning to realize that Common Core is beginning to look a lot like Obama Care.  His pronouncement seems to give the lie to the claim that the Federal government has nothing to do with CCSS and that it is purely a state led initiative.   Well, I guess we just had to acquiesce in order to see what was in it.  As it unfurls, it is beginning to become obvious that Big Brother does indeed have a plan for our kids.

One of those “white, suburban moms” replied to Mr. Duncan:

White Suburban Moms Unite! A Letter to Arne Duncan

Shannon Styles, a mom who also teaches, replies to Mr. Duncan and in so doing appears to wield much more experience and authority than the political head of the Department of Education has ever dreamed of possessing.  The backlash to Arne Duncan’s misstep last week was almost instantaneous and Styles sums it up succinctly.

Her response is spot on in our opinion, and we wouldn’t be surprised if most of you will nod your heads in agreement.  There is a link to one of Shannon’s blog posts regarding the imminent failure and disruption that CCSS has caused in her classroom that is well worth clicking on and reading.

Mom Blogs Control $2 Trillion in Purchasing Power!

Is there a cross over between the political power of mom blogs and their economic power?  We have no doubt about it!  When more of you moms begin to but two and two together (without using Common Core math), there’s going to be some changes made.  But Two Trillion?!!

About Meg Rayborn Dawson

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