The Wednesday Update . . .

Duncan Threatens California Over Common Core

OK, class, everyone who still thinks the Feds are a disinterested party to Common Core State Standards and still believes it was a “state led initiative” please stand on your chairs and point at yourselves.

If you are one of those, we would like to draw your attention to a Mr. Duncan of the Education Department (located in Washington, D.C., which is not a state) who has been bending over backwards lately to set us all straight about who is pulling the strings with Common Core.

Last week it was his socially challenged comment regarding “white, suburban moms” being the only ones against CCSS.  It was, of course, followed by an apology that wasn’t quite from the heart, one of those “if I offended, I’m sorry” kinds that lets everyone know that you’re more interested in making the issue go away than really regretting what you did.

He has taken his sights off the soccer moms and is now aiming at bigger game:  the state of California.

One aspect of Common Core that hasn’t received as much attention as it deserves is the fact that in order to take its tests, each student must do so on a computer.   This is quite a rub for most states and one of the reasons that Common Core is going to end up costing so much to implement.  (Of course, it has nothing to do with one of CCSS’s  biggest cheer leaders and donors, Bill Gates.)

But this isn’t the only reason California has issues.  For more, click HERE.

About Meg Rayborn Dawson

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