Common Core Tests Are Failing the Test

For just a minute, let’s put the disagreeable contents of much of the Common Core recommended curricula aside and take a look at the more practical concerns regarding the tests themselves.

It appears that, just like with ObamaCare, not much planning or thought has gone into the problems associated with the hardware and software required by the program.  As a result of this neglect, those states backing out now of CCSS before they even reach the testing stage may well end up to be the most prudent and wise in the spending of their citizens’ money.  (And more states are contemplating backing out as this first year of implementation continues.)

The first problem shared by every adopter of CCSS is that new hardware is going to have to be purchased, usually assumed to be one new computer per student.  And this will probably need to be repeated every year.  There are woefully few school systems in the U.S. that are capable of raising the needed funds for these extra machines and that, as it turns out, is probably a good thing.  Good because Common Core is nothing without its tests, only a bad idea that can’t get off the ground.

But suppose a school does manage to acquire sufficient computers to test their students?  The best way to answer this question is simply:  take a look at the Obamacare website if you want to see where it’s going!  One recent report quoted a survey that says that 99% of schools in the nation are going to face serious issues with both connectivity and bandwidth within the next three years. (See  E-rate and Broadband Survey)

One should also note that the above survey was made not specifically considering the needs of CCSS but all on-line needs together!

“Above and beyond the troubles usually cited with the Common Core curricula, the testing regime appears to be too complex, too expensive, and not very well thought out or administered” (PJ Tatler)


To use another ObamaCare parallel, it seems to be that the real problems are going to be pounding on the door within the next year or two as the realities of both these government bright ideas play out.  Then we are very likely to see a massive failure of government to provide not only health care but education as well.

How many of you are surprised by this?!

For more on this issue, there is a worthwhile report at Politico; check it out!

Win A Set of Alpha-Phonics!

Tabitha at The Homeschool 4 is giving away a set of Alpha-Phonics tutoring materials.  If you’re looking for a great system to teach reading, this is it.  Go enter now!  ENTER HERE


About Meg Rayborn Dawson

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