Why I Continued Homeschooling


That’s probably the main reason I continued to homeschool my children for as long as I could. But for every one of my reasons, there are other parents who have their own equally valid reasons. Ideally, these reasons could be discussed in a forum.

In my unique experience (as we all have separate and unique experiences), I was a young wife who wanted a family life that was different from any experience I had ever had. (My childhood had been ravaged by the storms we used to call “broken family”.)

Was this idealism? Foolishness? Or was it a response to the call to serve God?

Maybe some of each.

Making decisions is a very delicate operation for any parent because those decisions affect so many others. My desire was to follow God. To serve Him. I saw my children as belonging to Him. My purpose was that of “asset manager” for God. And I wanted to serve Him well.

So how can I say that I stayed with homeschooling for the purpose of control, and simultaneously say that I chose it so that I could serve?

Simple. I watched the day that Gideon bibles ceased to be given away at the school. I saw the schools become “No-God zones”. I wanted my children to be in a “Know-God zone”.  I wanted the control in order to be able to serve God.

Yes, I wanted my children to learn to know and understand the precepts of Christianity. I wanted to design a curriculum around the knowledge of God.

Due to unanticipated interferences with this plan, I was not as successful as I had hoped to be. Yet, I still believe that the plan was a good one. At least, it laid the groundwork for parenting adult children.

Helping children extends beyond childhood. In fact, some of their greatest learning takes place after leaving home.

So here I am, still seeking God’s will as a parent.

Parenting is a fearful task.

But our God is a mighty God.

by Meg (homeschooling mom of 9)

MS, Exceptional Student Education (Univ. of W. Florida) emphasis on Applied Behavior Analysis

MA, psychology (Grand Canyon University)

Bachelor of Arts (Northwest Nazarene University)


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About Meg (homeschooling mom of 9)

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