Common Core State Standards

"Wear it with Pride!!"


For decades there has been a war being fought for the hearts, minds, and souls of our children, and it appears we have finally reached what some of us perceive to be the tipping point in that war.  Our governments, both state and federal, have largely heeded the seductive promises of the path to the left.  Indeed, those promises are phrased and turned in ways that few would not find desirable.

Those who are working to impose a uniform and controllable system of education on every American child clearly know what they are about.  Many of those at the state level also know, and those who don’t are easily swayed by the promise of a tough problem solved and the flow of cash from Washington.  As touted, this new system offers so many benefits that even self-described conservatives are making arguments on its behalf.

This new and improved attempt at federal control of education is called the Common Core State Standards.

Their mission statement heralds that they aim to “provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them. The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers.”

This broad statement of CCS goals, if read generously and innocently, offers little to suggest that therein resides a wolf dressed in its best woollen suit.  Some of us, however, fear that there is just too much lurking behind these general and vague words to allow us to feel other than unease at the potential for harm offered by the “good” intents of those who would radically change America’s views on education, freedom, and individual rights.

Are we being paranoid?

I must confess that at first I wondered if indeed many of us hadn’t gone off the deep end in a kind of mass knee jerk reaction of the sort that is too common in today’s polarized society.  But the more I listen to those who are sounding the warnings against it, and then follow their lead in digging deeper into the background of CCS and its proponents, the more alarmed I have become.

Although those who propose the complete re-education of America see themselves as just beginning, they are actually enjoying the culmination of decades of ceaseless and tireless effort dating back a century or more.

Some of the pioneers of this cause have been so lionized and respected that it is inconceivable to most progressives that their work and philosophy should be doubted at all, let alone opposed.  And truly, there has been little opposition.

We are on the verge of handing over the education and moral guidance of America’s children to those who believe the government should and can do an immensely better job than their own parents and local schools guided by their own communities.  Educating children to make their way in the world and lead happy and fulfilling lives seems to be a very small part of their desired outcome.  Much more important to these brave new educators is the “socialization” of the citizen.  The beliefs of individual liberty and basic inalienable rights of the individual are a thing to be discarded to the trash can of history, for such outmoded principles  should no longer stand in the way of their “vast experiments to socialize individuals, to make them more cooperative.”1

If you have heard nothing of CCS besides what has been broadcast by the popular media, you are probably of the mind that what is being proposed is an excellent idea.  It is certainly being presented as such and there is very little room for doubt or argument over the fact that the proponents of CCS have nothing but the best in mind for your kids’ education.  And no doubt they truly believe this.  But as so often happens these days, the descriptions used by the government to sell its plans for us do not match their reality.

And what is that reality?  Their goals are vast, and frighteningly well hidden from casual view.  To get to the bottom of the danger of Common Core Standards and what it truly means takes some effort and will require delving into the history of the progressive cause as well as learning to read “Newspeak”, the language that George Orwell invented in his prophetic novel 1984.  The language of government these days is being twisted and redefined to accomplish what has heretofore been impossible without brute force: to limit the free thought and action of an increasingly fearful and docile population.

We at Alpha-Phonics are very concerned about the sudden prevalence of Common Core State Standards.  They have, before hitting the radar screens of most parents, already been adopted by 45 states at the time this is written.  Are we to consider this their victory, a  fait accompli with which those of us who want to say “slow down; let’s take a look at this!” are not even in the game?

We don’t think so.  Beginning with this introduction, we intend to delve deeper into the realities of Common Core Standards and share what we discover.  We know that many homeschoolers are wondering what this will have to do with them and, frankly,  we are wondering the same thing.  Please join us in our efforts by forwarding to us whatever links and information you think might be helpful, including your thoughts and opinions.  We can get to the bottom of this and, if it proves necessary, we can turn it around!


About Meg Rayborn Dawson

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