Aapha-Phonics Goes to Malawi, Uganda and Zambia





Alpha-Phonics goes to 3 more African Countries:

Malawi, Uganda and Zambia   (Flags above in that order)

In the spring of 2018 the GENERATIONS Christian Ministry, of Colorado, took its work to the 3 African countries.  Generations is headed by Kevin Swanson who, among other activities, has a large Christian Radio Ministry.

Among  Generations’ efforts is to help such countries improve their literacy levels, especially, with Homeshoolers.  Having used Samuel Blumenfeld’s Alpha-Phonics A Primer for Beginning Readers to teach children in his own family, Swanson took a quantity of the phonics reading instruction books on his tour.  As publishers of Alpha-Phonics we were delighted to have Swanson expose Homeschoolers in Malawi, Uganda and Zambia to the book that has been used successfully here in the U.S (And many other counties around the world) for over 43 years.

Being anxious to share with our following of Homehool families familiar with Alpha-Phonics the experience Generation had in Africa we asked for any video or photographs that might show how Alpha-Phonics fared there.

This photo was taken at a Homeschool gathering in Uganda.   (We are sorry it is not more clear)


While in Malawi These photos were taken:

Kevin Swanson on left  Local Pastor on Right.


Daniel Swanson after teaching several lessons in Alpha-Phonics to a group of Homeschooling  children in Malawi.  Note the rustic structure they are in, a church.“I think the books will be really helpful for the kids. We left a couple of the books here at this church.” said Daniel.  

Daniel continued: “I’m not really a journal keeper. But I’m really glad we went. The United Nations educational systems are just so poorly done and a lot of people were just overwhelmed by the thought of homeschooling. But I think after explaining the process and seeing real life examples they were definitely encouraged.”

We are very pleased that Kevin  and Daniel Swanson of Generations have taken Alpha-Phonics to these countries.  We suggest you look at the Generations website to learn more about their Ministry.

In the Past few years Alpha-Phonics has also taken taken to   Nigeria  and Pakistan by other Christian Ministries.  Their stories are found here: Pakistan  and here: Nigeria.





PAKISTAN                      NIGERIA


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