Wittgenstein (part 2)


We previously wrote that we believe the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein was taken by certain factions of the intelligentsia to be the cornerstone for their effort to weaken, if not demolish, the long-time standards of morality of Western culture.

We have wrapped our thesis in the statement:


Who is Wittgenstein?

He is a German who migrated to England in his early academic life and studied in prestigious British universities.  Ultimately he came to be called by many in academia the greatest philosopher of the 20th Century.    He died in 1951.  His most noted book (He wrote only two, but many, many papers), Philosophical Investigations, was published by two  English academics posthumously in 1952.  But most of us have never heard of Ludwig Wittgenstein.

Why is this?

Not being from the academy I do not know a definitive answer to that question.  I believe, however, his thoughts permeate the thinking of elite scholars.  Our particular theme is that only a few words of his, which may have been grouped together by Wittgenstein purposely or accidentally, have been taken seriously by many professors, teachers and even politicians – that is to say leaders in the formulation of current  thought – and utilizing them to the extreme point of literally altering our Western civilization.

Wittgenstein did not himself write the precise words: words to not have fixed meanings. That is our characterization of what he wrote.

Example of what he did write:  In the Macmillan Company edition of the book on page 11 we find he wrote:

“How many kinds of sentences are there?  ….There are countless kinds: countless kinds of use of what we call ‘symbols’, ’words’, ‘sentences’. And this multiplicity is not something fixed, given once for all….”

Our dear readers may quickly criticize us as cherry picking from the text to make our point.  We will build our case with other excerpts that add strength to our thesis.  But for now it really does not matter because what we propose has been used to create the almost mystical belief that nothing written or said need be taken as solid in meaning because we must be made to believe our rules of society are made of soft putty to be molded into whatever the speaker desires them to be or whatever the hearer wants them to mean.

To be continued

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About Peter Watt

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